Aldo's Timeline

To really know the full Leopold story and the evolution of conservation in the U.S. read his other essays, articles and letters collected in the books pictured above and listed below. Some of these articles were previously published but not easily available and others published for the first time, many 40 years after Leopold's death.
There are many other books and articles written about Aldo Leopold's conservation ideas and values. However, two authors have a long history with the Leopold family in Burlington, starting during their PhD dissertation interviews in the 1970's and 80's and their repeated recent visits here in support of Leopold Landscape Alliance goals and landscape scale conservation.
Curt Meine's biography, Aldo Leopold, His Life and Work, 1988 & 2010, covers his entire life and is a wonderful read. Curt is a Senior Fellow at Aldo Leopold Foundation.
Susan Flader's numerous writings about Leopold date back to her important volume, Thinking Like a Mountain: Aldo Leopold and the Evolution of an Ecological Attitude toward Deer, Wolves and Forests in 1974. Susan is a member of the Board of Directors of the Aldo Leopold Foundation, and past president.
- Game Management, Aldo Leopold, 1933.
- A Sand County Almanac & Sketches Here and There, Aldo Leopold, 1949, and still in print.
- Round River, from the Journals of Aldo Leopold, edited by Luna B. Leopold, 1953.
- A Sand County Almanac with essays from Round River, edited by Luna B. Leopold, 1966.
- Aldo Leopold's Wilderness, edited by David Brown and Neil Carmony, 1990.
- The River of the Mother of God, edited by Susan Flader and J. Baird Callicott, 1991.
- For the Health of the Land, edited by J. Baird Callicott and Eric Freyfogle, 1999.
- Leopold: A Sand County Almanac & Other Writings, edited by C. Meine, The Library of America, 2013.

"His writing was so deep and so layered that you can find something new each time you pick it up."
Buddy Huffaker, Pres. & Exec. Dir., Aldo Leooold Foundation, Green Fire
Photo courtesy of Aldo Leopold Foundation,
Timeline for Aldo Leopold 1887-1948
1887-1904 Burlington Youth
Summers at Les Cheneaux Club, Lake Huron, MI
1904-1909 Prep School in NJ and Yale Univ. CT.
1909-1924 US Forest Service, Arizona and New Mexico
1913-1914 Recuperation in Burlington
Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce during war yrs
Forest Service Regional Office, Albuquerque
1924-1928 Forest Products Lab, UFS, Madison, WI
1928-1933 Midwest Game Surveys, IA Conservation Plan work
and writing Game Management text
1933-1948 Univ. of Wisconsin Wildlife Management Program
1935 Study trip to Germany
1936 The Shack – first season of recovering land health
1937 " Marshland Elegy" written
1940's Period of prolific essay writing
1944 "Thinking Like a Mountain" written
1948 Heart attack fighting neighbor's brush fire
1949 A Sand County Almanac published