A general history of the family and the Leopold Compound; National Register of Historic Places status.
Information on the house where Aldo was born and lived at 3 different periods during his life, including photo tours. The Leopold Landscape Alliance purchased the home and grounds in 2019.
Aldo's home from 1900-1909 remained in the family until 1989. The Leopold Landscape Alliance purchased the house in 2014.

The project's mission is to help kids understand the interconnection between people and the natural world around them.
The story of the Leopold trees that blew down in two storms. Much of the wood was saved and here you can see the beautiful furniture and other items made for LLA by skilled artists & craftsmen from the downed wood.

LLA is excited to use Dean Hurliman's carvings of extinct species as an exhibit to help children see the fragility of our natural systems.
Clara Leopold instructed her children in wildflower gardening over 100 years ago, and the garden is thriving today.
Find our more about the recent REAP Grant we have been awarded by the State.

Find our more about the recent REAP Grant we have been awarded by the State.