Leopold Landscape Alliance Contacts
Board of Directors:
Estella Leopold, PhD, Paleo-Botanist, U of Washington, Seattle 206-957-2456 Jerry Rigdon ledgerguy@lisco.com Burlington, IA 319-750-8746 Dave Riley dalin12@mchsi.com Burlington, IA 319-759-8724 Steve Brower brower406@aol.com Burlington, IA 319-759-5062 Cliff Reif creif@reifoil.com Burlington, IA 319-752-9809
President: Steve Brower 319-759-5062
Secretary/Treasurer: Dave Riley 319-759-8724
Dave Riley dalin12@mchsi.com 319-759-8724
Website and Facebook
Kathy Brower bushbaby56@hotmail.com 319-759-7640
Dr. Estella Leopold Joins the Board of Directors
LLA is especially pleased to announce that Aldo and Estella's daughter, Dr. Estella B. Leopold, world renowned conservation scientist, has joined our Board of Directors. Dr. Leopold is Professor Emerita of Paleo-Botany at the University of Washington in Seattle. We are very happy to have someone of her stature as the first member of our Board to represent the national scope of Leopold interests.
Estella had been serving as an Advisor to LLA, and now has officially joined our Board to help spread the word about her father’s legacy originating in Burlington. Dr. Leopold has recently added to the Leopold narrative with two books - Saved in Time: The Fight to Establish Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, 2012 and Stories from the Shack, 2016.
Her statement of support for the Alliance is below:
I am glad to hear you are doing well with Uncle Fritz's house - I enjoyed starying there so much and have such fond memories of visiting Oma at the Big House. You are brave souls at LLA! Frederic and Aldo would be so impressed. What a whopper of a project: I like your vision of saving the property for learning nature and the Land Ethic.
Your statement about Dad learning from the rocky glens at an early age - the strata & fossils shaping his concept of nature as more than plants and animals - resonates with me so much. He later relied on that animal - geology - time connection and wrote about it often in his essays, as central to learning about our Great Possessions.
Access to the out of doors, real nature as Dad experienced it, is vitally important to developing affection for the land, for nature. He did that again for us kids when he bought the Shack in Wisconsin - where we went faithfully every weekend.
Your ideas are very progressive, I am so impressed with all you are doing, and eager to have it succeed. So please keep me in mind; I would like to be in regular touch with you, and will be happy to work with you on the Board.
I send admiration and greetings.
Estella Leopold