Leopold and Habitat Restoration Conference Why Children will Always Need Wild Lands
Our spring conference was postponed due to Covid-19. We will reschedule when the time is right.

How to Register:
Please send an email with your name, email address and phone number to: Kathy Brower at: bushbaby56@hotmail.com. When we receive your information, we will send you conference details.
Three convenient ways to pay!
1. You can pay your $30 registration fee here by using the Pay Pal "donate" button at the right. We will know the $30 amount is for registration.
2. If you are more comfortable writing a check, please make it out to Leopold Landscape Alliance and mail to 111 Clay Street, Burlington, IA 52601.
3. Or you can also wait to pay your registration fee at the door on the day of the conference. But please be sure to pre-register by March 6, because space is limited.
Simple! Questions? Call Kathy at 319-759-7640 or email as above.