Researcher/Writer/Artist-in Residence Program
Leopold Scholars and Fans, Come visit Burlington, walk in Leopold's footsteps and soak up the beauty and surprises he found in his youth.
One of the main uses for the properties in our stated goals is to, "House an Environmental Studies and Research Residency Program open to individuals, colleges, agencies and organizations."
Since buying the Leopold Childhood Home and the Starker-Leopold House, LLA has hosted many tours, programs, and overnight guests to learn about the Leopold family and their nature based values. Many college classes and land agency personnel have expressed a desire to bring more students and staff for seminars or just to spend time making a connection to Aldo in the many intimate places around the Leopold Compound and his old tramping sites. Several Leopold fans have commented how they would love to be here to work on their research, writing, art or music. Classes, scholars, poets and artists have already taken advantage of this opportunity.
So now we are in the process of formally developing this residency program. We currently have 10 bedrooms available for a modest donation. As the program grows, we anticipate having more facilities and the ability to handle larger classes. Let us know if you are interested in studying at the Leopold Compound for a day or longer.
Contact: Steve Brower 319-759-5062 for more information. And Click Here to see our list of available Tours and Programs.
Stan Temple stayed while researching Aldo's Ufuk Ozdag was doing research for the new Aldo travels for the Game Management book. Leopold Center in Ankara, Turkey.