Programs and Events
For lectures and tours we provide, see the Contact Us section.
We have a vibrant speaker series featuring nationally known Leopold scholars. Learn more about them and their programs here.
Leopold Exchange Program
The Exchange Program is set up to give visitors a chance to absorb some of Aldo's youthful discoveries. LLA takes the "Leopold and the Roots of the Land Ethic" program to the group to give them some background and then they visit Burlington to walk in Leopold's footsteps. See how it works here.
Summer interns help us with work around the property while learning about Leopold and conservation. We sponsor both students and elder interns.
Researcher/Writer/Artist-in Residence Program
To learn about past residencies and inquire about future opportunities, click here.
Leopold & Agriculture Conference 201
Our first conference was a big success with over 13 speakers. Check it out here.
Leopold & Habitat Restoration Conference: Why Children Will Always Need Wild L
Postponed due to Covid 19. We will reschedule when the time is right.
Read about the conference here.Click here
Check out the annual list of accomplishments we send to our supporters here.
Partner Programs
Programs that LLA Co-sponsors or supports. here